Thursday, April 30, 2009


I like this story. I think the priest is  very clever. Gossip is truly a bad thing. Gossiping is a fatal action that can  ruin one persons life reputation. You can never really gain back the reputation you once had if someone gossips about you. I think that the analogy fits perfectly. As the pillow is a person and the feathers are his reputation. I will try my best never to gossip about someone knowingly. If i was the priest i would tell the girl that shge should be ashamed of herself. Then, i would make her apologize to the person she was gossiping about and try to fix what she had gossiped about.

The Holocaust

this Holocaust video makes me think. This is truly a very sad day.It makes me think what happens if i was a live when this happened. What the world would be like. Also, how i would of reacted. 6,000,000 is a lot of people! Most of these people were innocent, also. I think that is just horrific. That kind of makes me enraged. I mean, who would want to kill 6,000,000 people. I am just pretty much speechless about this video. I am so befuddled that i cant even say that much on this topic. This is something that should b e thought about, "what did the Holocaust do to us?"

Friday, April 17, 2009


This presentation was my favorite of all of the projects. It is my favorite because i got to choose any song i wanted and sort of make my own music video. Like on MTV or other stations that play music videos. Also, i got to learn how to further use the IMAc computer. I got to use one of the more sport songs that are being listened to around the world. This one is called basketball by Lil Bow Wow. He made this for his popular movie Like Mike. He is a 13 year old kid that is in an orphanage. He finds a pair of shoes that were supposely worn by the great Michael Jordan. The shoes give him MJ's basketball skills and he enters the NBA.  

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My easter

My easter was terrific. My family all came over and we feasted as usual. We had deviled eggs, apple salad, ham, rolls, and much more. My parent s gave my brother, my sister, and I  twenty dollars for each of us and a card to accompany it. The money isnt the important thing it was the thought of them buying me a card and thinking about me and my siblings. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Inspirational Quote

“I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” This quote is from Michael Jordan, The best basketball player ever. He is definitey my favorite player. He has been a great role model. He is not like these new superstars that go to jail every weeknd for miss treating girls or drunk driving. He has never done that to me to islead me. this quote is my favorite quote because it lets me know to keep trying even after i fail.  This quote implies that everyone is human and are never perfect even the best player to play basketball can miss shots. 

Lenten Promises

I think all Catholics should take part in doing a lenten promise. i mean it's only for a little while. It is not that hard and if you are that addicted to whatever you give up you can do that something on sundays. I gave up soda and chocolate which is very hard for me so i tend to load up on these on sundays and take in as much as i can without giving it back. This brings me alot closer to god. It brings me closer to god because if i have to have one of the things that i gave up that much i can see that it is taking too much of my life and not leaving enough space for god.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Future Career

I have always wished to play a professional sport like baseball, basketball, soccer, or football. But, dreaming about these future careers always need a back up plan. These careers are very rare for people to go into. My back-up plan is to help these athletes that have fulfilled my first dream. I want to go into sports medicine. I want to do this because its related to something i love and, of course, it brings in a lot of money. I like to say, "If you can't be an idolizing athlete, then help one" Maybe i will rebel against all the doubters and become a professional athlete. If i try hard and practice a lot, nothings impossible.